Coker CoOp - African Comics, Art & Apparel

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Welcome to the Coker CoOp Blog!

Congrats, you stumbled upon the very first post! You're probably the only person to do this... unless there are a bunch of comments below, in which case, you're not, but don't feel bad, you're welcome anyway!

The CoOp blog is a place for us to talk about what we're working on, post sketches, blueprints and inane scribblings. Think of it as a sort of behind the scenes look at the work we do. We're hoping to be as transparent as possible, so that you can see how our process works and be part of the things we make.

We're super excited about issue one of our first project, Tales from the Jonahverse - The Burj. We'll be posting more about it really soon, and letting you see some sketches and concept art, so please check back! Until then, a very Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays from the Cokers!